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When to Plant Turnips: The best time for growing Turnips

When to Plant Turnips

Planting turnips at the proper time is key to getting a wholesome harvest. Usually, everyone who is going to sow Turnips, asks a question When to Plant Turnips? This comprehensive manual for 2024 covers the entirety you want to know, from the exceptional time to plant turnips, to turnip developing conditions, step-by-step planting commands, and harvesting tips.

Importance of Proper Turnip Planting

Well-planting turnips, inclusive of choosing the most reliable time to plant turnips, make all of the difference in correctly growing this tasty vegetable. Turnips thrive while temperatures attain forty five-seventy five°F, making timing a vital factor. This manual outlines the ideal 2024 planting instances for turnips in diverse areas and growing zones.

Overview of Planting Guide

This turnip planting guide covers how to plant turnips depending on your USDA hardiness quarter, turnip range, and desired harvest time. It additionally offers information on turnip growing situations, soil practice, planting techniques, watering, fertilization, stopping pests/diseases, and harvesting perfectly mature turnips.

When to Plant Turnips

Figuring out the greatest time to plant turnips is the key to a productive harvest. right here’s a top-level view of when and what sort of turnips to plant in 2024.

Best Time to Plant Turnips

The nice time to plant turnips is for the duration of the cooler seasons in early spring or past due summer time to early fall. This lets the plant life mature in the course of the best mild temperatures in spring and fall as opposed to extreme summer warmness.

Factors Influencing Planting Time

Regional climates, seasons, and weather patterns impact timing. additionally do not forget non-public choices for a spring or fall harvest. compare those factors whilst determining when to plant turnips.

Importance of Timing for Successful Growth

Nicely timing turnip planting avoids severe bloodless and heat all through the developing period. consistent mild temperatures permit for constant, wholesome turnip development resulting in a great increase and crop yield.

Choosing a Turnip Variety

Selecting the right turnip variety tailored to your climate and planting goals is key to planting success.  

Overview of Popular Turnip Varieties

Common turnip varieties include Purple Top White Globe, Golden Ball, Tokyo Cross, and Seven Top. Compare maturity rates, size, shape, color, flavor, and growing habits to choose the best variety for your needs.  

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Variety

Consider mature size, days to maturity, hardiness zone appropriateness, seasonality for planting and harvest times, flesh color, flavor profile, leaf variations, and intended use. Characteristics like fast maturity and heat/cold tolerance are ideal for many regions. 

When to Plant Turnips for a Spring or Fall Harvest

The when-to-plant turnips timeline varies if you want tender baby turnips for salads in spring or larger mature roots for fall roasting.  

Optimal Planting Windows for Spring Harvest

For a spring crop, sow turnip seeds 4-6 weeks before your region’s last expected frost date once the ground thaws. This allows roots to size up before hot weather arrives.  

Ideal Timing for Fall Harvest 

You can plant turnips for a fall harvest in most regions from mid-summer through early fall, depending on the first fall frost date which ends the growing season. Daily soil temperature guides specific planting dates.

Planting Turnips Seeds in Different Hardiness Zones

Knowing your USDA plant hardiness zone helps target the optimal regional timing for planting turnips and estimating days to maturity. 

Understanding Plant Hardiness Zones

The United States Department of Agriculture divides North America into 13 hardiness zones based on each region’s average minimum winter temperatures.  

Specific Planting Dates for Zones 5, 6, and 7

For a spring harvest sow seeds in zone 5 from March 25-April 15, zone 6 from March 15-April 10, and zone 7 from February 20-March 25. For fall harvest, plant zone 5 from July 15-August 15, zone 6 from June 25-August 10, and zone 7 from September 15-November 20 skipping the hottest summer weeks.

Turnip Growing Conditions

Understanding turnips’ preferred growing conditions allows you to help your crop thrive. 

Turnips Growing Season: Light and Temperature Requirements

Turnips grow best with consistent moisture and temperatures averaging 45-75°F during their 60-80 day lifecycle. Hot or freezing weather triggers bolting, poor development, and bitter flavor. They require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily for robust growth. 

Importance of Light for Turnip Growth

Turnips depend on ample sunlight to power photosynthesis and transform light energy into the fuel the plant needs to grow foliage and swollen roots. Insufficient light leads to small stunted plants.

Temperature Considerations for Optimal Growth

Cool weather crops and turnips stop growing below 40°F and begin to flower prematurely when temperatures exceed 75°F signaling the end of the growing season. Monitor temperatures and utilize season-extending techniques like floating row covers if needed in marginal zones.  

Getting Ready to Plant Turnips

Proper planning and preparation establish conditions for turnips to thrive right from the start. This involves selecting the right planting site, preparing growing beds, and choosing the ideal soil. 

Soil Preparation and Planting Beds

Turnips need loose, rock-free, loamy soil at least 12 inches deep with plenty of organic matter and a neutral pH of around 6.8. About a month before sowing, till under a 2-4 inch layer of aged compost or manure. Just before planting, rake beds smooth creating raised rows or slightly raised beds for drainage.

Choosing the Right Soil for Turnips

Turnips thrive in nutrient-rich loamy soil with a mix of sand, silt, and clay. Test soil drainage by digging a hole 12” deep—it should mostly drain within an hour. Boost sandy soils with compost to retain moisture and add composted manure or leaf mold to clay soils to improve drainage. 

Companion Plants for Turnips

Interplanting turnip rows with small edible greens like arugula and lettuce makes efficient use of space while deterring pests. Using crop rotation planting sites also helps. 

Planting Turnips: Step-by-Step Guide

Once conditions are prime for planting, it’s time to get turnip seeds or starter plants in the ground. Follow these steps for successful planting.

How to Plant Turnips

With the right supplies and techniques, planting turnip seeds directly in the garden is straightforward. 

Seed Selection and Preparation

Purchase quality seeds with a high germination rate, selecting varieties suitable for your growing zone and season. Check seed packs for expiration dates and proper storage conditions about a month before planting. Keep sealed packs refrigerated to maintain viability.

Planting Beds and Soil Requirements

Prepare raised beds in full sun with loose, crumbly, fertile soil rich in organic matter. Rake the soil smooth and water beds thoroughly a day before planting if the soil is dry. 

Proper Planting Techniques

Sow seeds 1⁄4-1⁄2 inch deep in rows 12-18 inches apart. Space seeds 2 inches apart in all directions. Plant a few extra for thinning later on. Gently water newly planted beds with a fine spray nozzle, being careful not to wash out seeds.

How to Water Turnips

Consistent moisture is vitally important for fast uniform germination and healthy turnip growth. 

Watering Frequency and Amount

Water planted rows immediately after seeding. Keep the top 1⁄2 inch of soil evenly moist until seeds emerge in 5-10 days. After seedlings are established, provide 1-2 inches of water per week from rain or irrigation depending on size, weather, and soil type.

Importance of Adequate Moisture

Turnips have long taproots requiring deep watering for vigorous plants. Inconsistent moisture causes growth cracks, slow growth, bitterness, bolting, and low yields. Monitoring soil moisture frequently prevents issues.

How to Care for Turnip Plants

Proper thinning, weed control, and fertilization when needed keep plants growing strong.

Fertilization Tips

Turnips rarely need extra feeding when planted in fertile loamy soil rich in organic matter. If plants show signs of nutrient deficiencies with yellowish stunted foliage, side dress plants once after thinning with a balanced soluble fertilizer. 

Pruning and Thinning Practices

For the best growth, thin overcrowded seedlings clump to one strong plant every 3 inches when the first true leaves emerge. Water well after thinning and mulch beds to retain moisture and limit weeds.

Preventing Pests and Diseases on Turnip Plants

Various turnip pests and diseases can attack roots and foliage. Stay vigilant for problems and take action before plants become heavily damaged.

Common Pests and Diseases

Watch for cabbage worms, cutworms, flea beetles, cabbage loopers, clubroot fungus, powdery mildew, black rot, and Alternaria leaf spot. Identify issues early and use organic sprays, row cover barriers, crop rotation, sanitation practices, and other IPM control methods as soon as possible. 

Effective Prevention Strategies

Choose resistant varieties when available, scout plants frequently, remove vulnerable seedlings, disinfect tools between beds, prune diseased foliage promptly, apply organic fungicides/insecticides only when necessary, and destroy serious infestations. Promoting overall plant health is also key. 

Harvesting Turnips

When to Plant Turnips

Knowing when and how to harvest turnips results in tender, mild-flavored roots that store well. 

How to Harvest Turnips

With the right timing and techniques, you can enjoy an abundant turnip harvest.

Signs of Maturity

Turnip roots swell above ground when mature within 50-80 days from planting depending on the variety. Harvest promptly when roots reach golf ball size for baby turnips or full maturity at 2-4 inches across to prevent woodiness.

Harvesting Techniques for Optimal Yield

Loosen the soil with a fork and lightly pull up plant life with the aid of their leafy greens. Twist off tops and trim tail-like taproot, leaving 1⁄2 inch connected. Harvest while 25%-50% of roots poke above the soil. Keep unwashed turnips in perforated bags within the crisper for 2-4 weeks.


We’ve included all the key steps for effectively planting turnips this 2024 gardening season. observe this guide tailor-made to your climate and gardening dreams for your nice turnip harvest yet.

Encouragement for Successful Turnip Cultivation

With the proper range preference, timing, planting website online preparation, and care, you can enjoy ample healthful turnips. This comprehensive manual equips you with the key recommendations and coaching you want for gardening fulfillment. right here’s to a bountiful harvest!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common queries about growing turnips:

Addressing Common Queries About Turnip Planting

Q: Is early spring or late summer better for planting turnips?

Most gardeners have the best results planting turnips in both early spring and late summer for multiple harvests—just time plantings around average regional last frost dates in spring and first fall frost dates.

Q: How many turnip plants should I grow per person?

Allow about 10 feet of row per person. Plant seeds 2 inches apart, thinning seedlings to 4-6 inches for maturity. This yields around 5-10 pounds of turnips per person.

Q: Should I soak turnip seeds before planting?

There is no need to pre-soak turnip seeds. Simply sow them directly in prepared garden beds at the proper depth and follow tips for consistent moisture during germination.

Q: Can turnips re-grow after harvesting?

Turnip greens can be trimmed several times for continual harvests. However, the swollen roots do not regenerate after digging up. Allow some plants to bolt for saving seeds for the next season’s plantings instead.

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